History of IoT: What It Is, How It Works, Where Its Come From, and Where Its Going

Author: External Author | | Categories: Fiber Optics Cabling

Not so long ago, the idea of connecting everything with everything may have sounded like some far-fetched futuristic idea – a bit of fun for science fiction enthusiasts, but not something we would likely experience in our lifetime. Then it started happening. The internet exploded across the world. Suddenly, everyone had a PC and we were all “surfing the web” at every opportunity. We started sending emails, and businesses around the globe quickly realized the efficiencies that could be gained through digital transactions and electronic communication. Next, demand rose for portability. 

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Original Article Source Credits:    IT Chronicles , https://itchronicles.com/

Article Written By:  William Goddard

Original Article Posted on:  June 17, 2019

Link to Original Article:  https://itchronicles.com/iot/history-of-iot-what-it-is-how-it-works-where-its-come-from-and-where-its-going/